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Anti-knife crime education programme

We launched our education programme during anti-knife crime awareness week since trialling it in Newlands Junior school the previous year. It has since been used by 75 schools across England. You can find more information about our programme below:


Idris Elba's 'Knives Down' campaign

We were proud to be a part of Idris Elba's 'Knives Down' campaign. Danny featured in the music video of Idris' new track 'Knives Down,' which discourages young people from carrying knives. We also campaigned in parliament square with alongside Idris and an exhibition of 247 piles of clothing that represented every life lost in the previous year to knife  crime. 


Idris Elba's 'Knives Down' campaign

Also part of the campaign were billboards featuring victims of knife crime. Danny featured on these billboards in all major cities, described on here was one of his passions: travel. This intended to humanise him as a real person and not just another knife crime statistic. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Life Skills Education Youth Advisory Board

I continued my role as Life Skills Education's Chair of their Youth Advisory Board. The board has now recruited seven young people as members who will offer their valuable insight into what more can be done to keep them and their peers on track to a safe and happy future. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Charity Gig

Our trustee, Scott, organised a fantastic charity gig that raised £740. We had a fantastic evening. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


The Ben Kinsella Trust Event

We were invited to attend The Ben Kinsella Trust's event launching their anti-knife crime awareness week held in the House of Commons. Danny's story, amongst others, was used as an example as to why this work is so vitally needed. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Danny's work's fundraising

Danny's work raised over £5oo for us during anti-knife crime week through various different initiatives. They organised a quiz night, a football tournament and set up a justgiving page. We are so grateful to have their support. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Charity launch

We celebrated our own charity's launch courtesy of the National Justice Museum. Many organisations and influential individuals attended to hear about our intentions for the charity. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Murdered abroad conference

We attended the Murdered Abroad charity's conference in Northampton. We heard from many influential guest speakers as well as meeting fellow families also grieving a loss through a murder abroad. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Impact event

I was very grateful to have been asked to be a guest speaker at the anti-knife crime Impact event organised by Nottinghamshire police's Youth Outreach Team. It was great to be able to tell Danny's story to many local young people as well as fellow organisations. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Miss Mansfield

We were one of the chosen charities by Miss Mansfield to be sponsored by their event and have funds raised from the evening donated to us. I was also grateful to have been given the opportunity to share our story and work of the charity on stage in front of the audience. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Make a difference awards

I was very grateful to have been nominated and receive a 'highly commendable' award for my hard work campaigning and fundraising. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


The National Justice Museum's Nottingham space

We launched Danny's place in the National Justice Museum's Nottingham space, a room that is part of their Choices and Consequences exhibition in partnership with The Ben Kinsella Trust. The room is dedicated to Nottingham victims of knife crime, containing pictures and words to describe the person, as well as videos of their friends and family talking about the impact of their loss. The room will be visited by young people from schools and youth centres in order to combat the carrying of knives by showcases the serious consequences it can have. Many fellow organisations and influential individuals have visited and supported the impact of the space, including the Police and Crime Commissioner, Gary Godden. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


The Guardian Angels

I volunteered on a shift with The Guardian Angels, a Mansfield based organisation who volunteer on patrol in the town centre to ensure the community can enjoy their nights out safely. They will deal with situations involving spiking, mental or physical health emergencies, first aid, needing to find a safe way home and much more. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Nottingham College Impact event

It was great to attend Nottingham College's Impact event, again organised by the Youth Outreach Team. I was proud to be a guest speaker and able to share Danny's story with many students and fellow organisations. We were also one of the stall holders and handed out free resources to students and fellow organisations.

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Inspire College workshops

I conducted nine personal safety and anti-knife crime workshops to Inspire College students across eight different bases of Hucknall, Sutton, Eastwood, Retford, Stapleford, Mansfield, Beeston and Newark. I received positive feedback from the students on the impact of the workshops. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Silver night

We hosted a charity silver night in celebration of Danny's 25th birthday. We raised a fantastic £940 to continue our work. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


NTU Safety Fairs

I attended six of Nottingham Trent University's safety and well-being fairs as a stallholder across their City, Clifton, Brackenhurst and Mansfield campuses. It was great to speak to many of the students about their personal safety as well as handing out our free personal safety resources. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Notts Police social media campaign

We teamed up with Nottinghamshire police for a social media campaign. We sat down as a family to talk about Danny as a person as well as the devastating impact of his loss in order to spread awareness of the severe consequences that knife crime has. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Gateway College personal safety awareness week

I was a guest speaker during Gateway College's personal safety awareness week. I conducted two workshops in front of over 200 students, which includes many vital tips in terms of safely travelling abroad, avoiding spiking, avoiding conflict, making positive friendships and positive decisions to remain on the right path to a safe and successful future. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


VRP Community Ambassadors

Myself, the founder of the charity, Chloe, and head of trustees, Alison, became community ambassadors for Notts' Violence Reduction Partnership. Alongside many other influential individuals, we voice our opinions on the changes we think should be put in place as well as working together to create a safer and happier community of Nottingham. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


Older than my older brother campaign

On my 23rd birthday, we released a social media campaign: 'Older than my older brother,' which signified the devastating loss and grief that is passed on to surviving family members of a victim of knife crime. 

Broxtowe Women's Project event

The Broxtowe Women's project held an event for different organisations at the National Justice Museum intent on spreading awareness on knife crime. We were proud to be asked to be guest speakers at this event, and were able to tell Danny's story as well as everything we are working towards as a charity. 


25 things

We did 25 things to give back to the community in order to celebrate Danny's 25th birthday. A list of everything we did:

- We adopted two sloths, Pumpkin and Pie, from The Sloth Conservation Foundation

- We donated £25 worth of dog food to a dog food bank

- We sponsored Danny's friend, Chloe, for her Alzheimer's memory walk in memory of her Grandma.

- We handed many free safety resources out to NTU students.

- We donated £25 worth of food to a food bank

- We donated a voucher to the Chayah Development project's charity raffle

- We donated 5 vouchers to the VRP's Youth Voice Project to reward the young people's hard work

- We donated a voucher to the Youth Outreach Team's Black History Month event raffle

- We handed out 7 meal deals to homeless people on the streets of Nottingham

- We donated a hamper of goodies to a care home

- We donated Christmas card craft supplies to Base 51's youth club

-We gifted our local first responders some goodies

- We gifted A. Wass Funeral directors some goodies

We donated period products to a hygiene bank

- We donated £25 to the Riding for the Disabled Association

- I volunteered on a shift with the Guardian Angels

- We donated £25 to the Guardian Angels

- We donated £25 to Cancer Research in support of Benita Sweetnam

- We donated £25 to the Justice for Ronan Kanda Campaign

- We donated £25 to Family Action

- We donated £25 to Childline

- We donated £25 to The Broxtowe's Women Project, which was then doubled to £50 during their Big Give

- We donated £25 to Young Minds on their Hello Yellow day

- We donated £25 to Victim Support 

- We donated £25 to Sibling Support

We are a newly registered charity dedicated to tackling knife crime.

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